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Tourist Attractions

The top 5 places to visit in Afghanistan are, Kabul, Bamiyan, Band-e Amire, Minaret of Jam, and natonal museum of Afghanistan. Kabul, the capitol of Afghanistan, was destroyed by wars from the 1970's to the early 2000's. But they have been slowly rebuilding. Some of the best tourist attractions in Kabul are, the gardens of Babur, the Bagh-e Zanana. The Kabul zoo and the Afghan National museum are also good places to visit.

The second place to visit is Bamiyan. This is a city is where you can see the ruined Buddhas, the caves, or the mountain side.

The third place to visit is Band-Amire. This is the first national park in this country.It has 5 lakes surrounded by beautiful land formations.

The fourth place to visit would be the Minaret of Jam. This is a UNESCO world heritage site surrounded by rocky slopes and a crystal lake. It is the second tallest of its kind. It is located in the city of Jam village

The last place to visit is the National Museum of Afghanistan. This building was also ruined by the wars, but most of the collections were saved. In this museum you can see the fifteenth black marble being called Buddah's Begging Bowl. This is in the city of Kabul.

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